> Mengimbas (Windows Color Network ScanGear 2) > [Windows] Apabila memilih peranti, hasil dipaparkan sebagai alamat IP walaupun jika mencari melalui nama hos (Color Network ScanGear 2)

[Windows] Apabila memilih peranti, hasil dipaparkan sebagai alamat IP walaupun jika mencari melalui nama hos (Color Network ScanGear 2)

If the host names of devices are not displayed when discovering (*) devices in Color Network ScanGear 2, there may be a problem with the DNS server or the DNS settings.
Check the following.
Is the DNS server address configured correctly in the network settings of your computer?
Is an incorrect DNS server address configured in the network settings of your computer?
Is the DNS server running?
Is the device to use registered in the reverse lookup zone of the DNS server?
Consult you network administrator about DNS settings.
* When discovery is performed using the following procedure: In the [Select Scanner] dialog box, select [Address Displayed in Search Result] [IP Address or Host Name] → click [Search].