> Settings and Adjustments on the Printer > Repeated Paper Jams Caused by Paper Wrapping around the Fixing Belt

Repeated Paper Jams Caused by Paper Wrapping around the Fixing Belt

If paper jams or paper feed problems, such as the corner of printouts being folded, often occur even though you have followed the instructions described in the User's Guide to handle and prevent paper jams, paper may be wrapping around the fixing belt. Check the solutions below.

Understanding What Causes Paper to Wrap around the Fixing Belt

There are the following three possible causes of paper wrapping around the fixing belt:

Paper Has Absorbed Too Much Moisture Due to High Humidity

When the humidity is high, paper may absorb too much moisture. As a result, the paper is more likely to wrap around the fixing belt.

You Are Using Thin Paper or Soft and Flexible Paper

If you use thin paper or paper that is flexible and easily bends, the paper tends to curl. This kind of paper is more likely to wrap around the fixing belt.

There Is a Very Dark Area Near the Leading Edge of the Paper

A dense layer of toner is applied to print a dark area. If the dark area is near the leading edge of the paper and the leading margin is very small, the toner may act as an adhesive. As a result, the leading edge of the paper sticks to the surface of the fixing belt and the paper is likely to wrap around the fixing belt.
* Feeding Direction
* Leading Edge
Fixing Belt Pressure Roller
If the leading edge margin of the paper is small and a large amount of toner is used, paper is likely to wrap around the fixing belt.
Fixing Belt Pressure Roller
If the leading edge margin of the paper is large and a small amount of toner is used, paper is less likely to wrap around the fixing belt.

Keeping the Paper's Moisture Content at an Appropriate Level

Use the following recommendations to keep the moisture content of the paper at an appropriate level.
Before you load paper, place the package of paper in a room with an appropriate temperature and humidity so it can fully acclimatize to the temperature and humidity. For the appropriate temperature and humidity, see other guides such as the User's Guide.
If paper absorbs moisture from a highly humid environment, turn the heater of the paper Drawer* on to dry out the paper. For instructions on how to turn the heater on, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
* The heater unit of the paper Drawer is optional.
Check the installation and operating environment of the machine. Is the machine located in a room with steady temperature and humidity? Keep the paper in the same environment as that where the machine is located.
Before you load paper, place the package of paper near the machine so it can fully acclimatize to the temperature and humidity.
Unwrap the paper immediately before you load the paper into the machine.

Changing the Machine's Settings

If you still have the same problem after you follow the procedures in "Keeping the Paper's Moisture Content at an Appropriate Level," change the machine's settings in the following order: "Do an Automatic Gradation Adjustment → Reduce the Value of GlossTurn On the Toner Amount Reduction Mode."

Do an Automatic Gradation Adjustment

Doing an automatic gradation adjustment adjusts the total amount of toner that is used, which may prevent the paper from wrapping around the fixing belt.
Press  → [Adjustment/Maintenance] → [Adjust Image Quality] → [Auto Adjust Gradation].
 "Adjusting Print and Finish Quality" > "Adjust Image Quality" > "Adjusting Gradation" in the User's Guide

Reduce the Value of Gloss

Reducing the gloss value lowers the temperature of the fixing unit. As a result, paper may not curl, which may prevent the paper from wrapping around the fixing belt. However, this setting may reduce the gloss of printed images, so print a test sheet to check the finished result.
This function is displayed only if the settings are made available by your local authorized Canon dealer. Even if this function is displayed, do not allow anyone to change the settings except for the system manager. For more information on changing the settings, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
Press  → [Preferences] → [Paper Settings] → [Paper Type Management Settings] → select the type of paper you are using that is having this problem → press [Details/Edit] → [Change] for <Adjust Gloss/Fine Black> → adjust the value for [Gloss] toward the minus end.
 "Paper Type Management Settings" in the User's Guide > see "Adjust Gloss/Fine Black" under the subsection "Items that can be specified"

Turn On the Toner Amount Reduction Mode

Turning on the Toner Amount Reduction Mode reduces the amount of toner that is used. As a result, you may prevent the paper from wrapping around the fixing belt. However, this setting may change the color of printed images, so print a test sheet to check the finished result.
This function is displayed only if the settings are made available by your local authorized Canon dealer. Even if this function is displayed, do not allow anyone to change the settings except for the system manager. For more information on changing the settings, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
Press  → [Preferences] → [Paper Settings] → [Paper Type Management Settings] → select the type of paper you are using that is having this problem → press [Details/Edit] → [Change] for <Toner Amount Reduction Mode> → select [On].
 "Paper Type Management Settings" in the User's Guide > see "Toner Amount Reduction Mode" under the subsection "Items that can be specified"
When Alternately Printing on Both Thin and Heavy Paper

Try This If You Still Have the Same Problems

If the problems persist after following the procedures in steps 2 and 3, try the procedures described below. They may improve the situation. However, these procedures differ from the purchase order, so be sure to get the customer’s consent beforehand.

Changing the Types of Paper to Print on

Use thicker or stiffer paper to prevent the paper from wrapping around the fixing belt.

Reducing the Density

Decrease the density in very dark areas. As the amount of toner applied to the paper is reduced, the paper separates more easily from the surface of the fixing belt and other parts of the machine.

Enlarging the Leading Edge Margin

Enlarge the width of the margin on the leading edge of the paper. A wider margin on the leading edge of the paper makes the paper itself separate more easily from the surface of the fixing belt and other parts of the machine.
If a Certain Type of Paper Often Wraps around the Fixing Belt