Uninstalling the MF Driver

This explains the procedure for uninstalling the MF driver. Perform this procedure if an MF driver has become unnecessary.
There are two methods for uninstalling: uninstalling from Windows, and using the uninstaller. If you cannot find the MF driver in the Windows screen, you can uninstall using the uninstaller.


MF driver installation
When starting the computer, log on as a user with administrator privileges.


Start the uninstaller of the driver.
When using Windows functions
(1) Display [Apps] (or [System]) > [Installed apps] (or [Apps & features]) from [ Settings] in the Start menu.
(2) Click [⋯] for the driver you want to uninstall (or select the driver) → click [Uninstall].
When using the uninstall file provided with the driver
Double-click one of the following files.
When using a file in an installed driver folder
Use [DelDrv.exe] corresponding to the driver in the following folder.
<install folder>\Canon\CanonMF
When using the file in the accompanying DVD-ROM or downloaded driver folder
Use the following file in the folder of the driver you have acquired.
When the uninstaller is displayed, click [Uninstall].
If the confirm deletion message is displayed, click [Yes].