Performing Redactions from Annotation Editor

Redaction is a function that can delete text, graphic objects, etc. from a document.
The deleted areas cannot be viewed even from another application.
This function is used to prevent a specific area of a document from being publicly viewed.
If you started Annotation Editor from Document Binder, you cannot use the redaction function.
Click  (Redaction) on the Toolbar.
Or, select the [Tools] menu > [Redaction].
Object Layout Editor starts in the redaction edit mode.
Perform redactions.
For more information on using redactions, see the following.
If Annotation Editor is started in the redaction edit mode, previous operations cannot be undone or redone.
Edited data is saved as temporary data and overwrites previous data. This data is not incorporated into a document for editing until you return to Annotation Editor and save the document.
If you click [Apply Redactions] in the [Apply Redactions] dialog box, redaction is applied to the redaction markings you created and the screen returns to the Annotation Editor screen.
If you click [Undo Changes] in the [Apply Redactions] dialog box, the edited data is discarded and the screen returns to the Annotation Editor screen.
Parts with redactions applied cannot be undone. The data for parts with redactions applied are completely deleted.
Annotation Editor cannot be exited while editing redactions. If you want to exit Annotation Editor, first finish editing redactions.
If the Object Layout Editor redaction edit mode is started from Annotation Editor, you can share the search history and search options.