
[Error Diffusion]: [On], [Off]*
[Text]: [Resolution]*, [Gradation]
[Graphics]: [Resolution], [Gradation]*
[Image]: [Resolution], [Gradation]*

You can set how to express colour halftones.
Print data is expressed in dots. Fine gradations, edges, and shades are expressed by using dither patterns, which are groups of dots. This is called halftone processing.
For example, using a pattern that sharpens character and line edges, or a pattern that smoothens image and graph gradation, enables you to obtain the most suitable texture.


You can print with both smooth gradation and outlines, which is best to print graphs and graphics that use gradation.


You can print text with distinct outlines, which is best to print text and thin lines.

[Error Diffusion]

If you set to [On], [Text], [Graphics], and [Image] are all set to [Error Diffusion]. [Resolution] and [Gradation] cannot be selected.