Restrict New Destinations

Restrict destinations that can be specified to already-registered one-touch keys, coded dial codes, and address book entries in an LDAP server. When the restriction function is enabled, the following operations are unavailable.
Specifying a destination using the numeric keys
Registering new destinations in the address book, one-touch keys, or coded dial codes
Editing the destinations registered in the address book, one-touch keys, or coded dial codes
Registering new destinations in an address book in an LDAP server
Editing the destinations registered in an address book in an LDAP server
Restriction exceptions
Entering new destinations from external telephone is not restricted.
When settings are not immediately applied
During fax sending operation including new destinations or manual redialing operation, restriction settings may not be applied immediately.
Redial restrictions
When <Restrict New Dest.> is set to <On>, the saved fax sending history up to then is deleted for preventing those new destinations in the history from being redialed.
How to access the option
[] (Menu) -> <System Settings> -> <Restrict TX Function> -> <Restrict New Destinations>
(Bold: Default setting)
No restrictions.
Restrictions applied. You can specify destinations from one-touch keys, coded dial codes, and an LDAP server.