Search Method

Enter keyword(s) here
Enter a keyword in the entry field which is located at the top of the "Top page" or on the search area in the "Topic page," and then click  to display the search results.
In addition, you can refine the search results by entering two or more keywords using the AND search. When entering keywords, enter a space between the keywords.
Example: Toner Message (if you want to display pages which include words, "Toner" and "Message")
You can also use the Phrase search by putting double quotes around a set of words.
[Search options]
Click here to use search options.
If you want to specify a search scope, select the check box in [Search from below categories:] for the category which you want to search.
In addition, you can select [Case sensitive] and [Differentiate between one-byte and two-byte].
You can use the specified search options by clicking [Search with these conditions].
Search result
The search results for a keyword are displayed.
If the search results are more than 10 results, you can see the other results by clicking [« Prev], [Next »] or the number which is located below the result.
The specified search options are applied when searching from the "Top page."