Attention (WIA Driver)

Scanning from the [Scanner and Camera Wizard] dialog box (Windows XP only)
When you save more than one picture in the same location
Sequential numbers are automatically added to the file names.
Scanning from the [Windows Fax and Scan] dialog box (Windows Vista/7/8 only)
When scanning is complete
The scanned image is displayed in the [Windows Fax and Scan] folder.
Name and location of scanned images
Sequential numbers are automatically added to the file names and the image files are saved in the [Scanned Documents] folder in the [Document] folder. You can change the file name later.
Scanning from Windows Live Photo Gallery (Windows Photo Gallery)
If you save the scanned image without entering in a tag
The scanned image will be saved in a new folder created under the [pictures] folder, named by its scan date.
A file name for the scanned image
Sequential numbers are automatically added. You can change the file name later.
Scanning from an application
When scanning using the WIA 1.0 driver started from an application such as "Paint"
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7/8, an error occurs when you perform any of the following operations.
Selecting [Flatbed] from [Paper source]
Clicking [Adjust the quality of the scanned picture]
Setting [Resolution] to 600 dpi, then clicking [OK]
Select [Document Feeder] from [Paper source]
Clicking [Scan] or [Adjust the quality of the scanned picture] to change the resolution
In this case, select a setting other than [Custom Settings] once and scan a document or change the resolution.
The screen to be displayed
The display may differ according to the operating system, as well as the type and version of the scanner driver.