Starting the Remote UI

Before using the Remote UI
Check the IP address of the machine.
Ask your network administrator when you are not sure of the IP address of the machine.
Configure a network connection.
See the Starter Guide.
Start the Web browser.
Enter "http://IP address of the machine/" in the address field and press the [ENTER] key on the keyboard.
Input Example:
Log on to the Remote UI.
When the department ID management is not set
Select [Management Mode] or [End-User Mode].
[Management Mode]:
Enter [System Manager ID] and [System Manager PIN].
[End-User Mode]:
Enter [User Name].
Click [Log In].
[Management Mode]
You can perform all the operations and settings of the Remote UI.
[End-User Mode]
Allow checking the device status, confirming settings, and viewing jobs. You can also handle the jobs queued by your user name that you enter upon logon.
When the department ID management is set
Enter [Department ID] and [PIN].
Click [Log In].