Specifying an ID for Each Department

Displaying or Changing the Departmental ID Management Settings

You can manage the number of [Print Total]* on a departmental basis by specifying IDs for each department and entering an ID when printing.
[Print Total] indicates the number of printed surfaces. If you perform 2-sided printing on a sheet of paper, the number of the printed surfaces is two.
(Displayed only if you have logged on in Administrator Mode.)
Clicking this button displays the [Department ID Management Settings] page. You can specify the following settings.
[Enable Department ID Management]
If the check box for this option is selected, you need to enter a department ID and password when printing. You also need to enter a department ID and password when you perform direct printing or manipulate boxes from the Remote UI. Jobs which failed to be authenticated are deleted.
[Accept Print Jobs with Unknown IDs]
If the check box for this option is selected, you can print jobs with unknown IDs. Jobs with unknown IDs indicate the following kinds of jobs.
Jobs printed by a printer driver which does not support the department ID management
Jobs directly printed using a method other than the Remote UI
[Clear All Counts]
(Not displayed depending on the settings.)
Clears [Print Total] of all the departments.
(Register New Department)
(Displayed only if you have logged on in Administrator Mode.)
Clicking this button displays the [Register New Department] page. You can specify the following settings.
[Department ID]
Enter the department ID using a number with up to seven digits.
Enter the password using a number with up to seven digits.
Enter the number specified in [Password].
(Delete the Selected Department)
(Displayed only if you have logged on in Administrator Mode.)
You can delete a department by clicking  on the left of its department ID, and then clicking this button.
You can delete a department by clicking , and then clicking .
[Department ID]
(Clickable only if you have logged on in Administrator Mode.)
Clicking the department ID displays the [Edit Department] page. You can specify the following settings.
[Department ID]
Enter the department ID using a number with up to seven digits.
Enter the password using a number with up to seven digits.
Enter the number specified in [Password].
[Print Total]
Displays the number of printed surfaces.
[Clear Count]
(Not displayed depending on the settings.)
Clears [Print Total] of the displayed department.
[Print Total]
Displays the number of printed surfaces.