Auto Shutdown

You can specify the settings for auto shutdown using the following procedure.
Precautions when sharing the printer
You cannot change the settings with the shared printer. Change the settings from the environment in which a local printer is installed.
Insert the supplied CD-ROM "User Software" into the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
Click [Additional Software Programs].
 If the above screen does not appear
 If the [AutoPlay] dialog box appears
Click [Run AUTORUN.EXE].
 If the [User Account Control] dialog box appears
Click [Yes] or [Continue].
Click [Start] in [Auto Shutdown Tool].
Select a printer, and then click [Auto Shutdown Settings].
Specify the settings for auto shutdown.
Select the [Auto Shutdown after Fixed Period] check box.
Specify the time to shut down in [Auto Shutdown After].
Click [OK].
About the setting for the time to execute auto shutdown
When [Auto Shutdown After] is changed during sleep mode, the specified time to execute auto shutdown is reset.
You can specify [Auto Shutdown After] for auto shutdown with 1 hour increments between [1hr.] and [8hr.].