TX Result Report 

You can check the fax or e-mail/I-Fax logs of sent documents as well as documents scanned to a shared folder or FTP server by printing a TX Result Report. The report can be printed either every time a transmission is completed or only when a sending error occurs.
<Menu> <Output Report>   <Report Settings>  <Fax TX Result Report> or <E-Mail/File TX Result Report>  Select the print setting  


Select if you do not want to print TX Result Reports.


Select to print a TX Result Report every time you send a document.

<Only When Error Occurs>

Select to print a TX Result Report only when a sending error occurs.
Example: Fax sending (MF729Cx / MF628Cw)
Example: Scanning to e-mail/I-Fax/shared folder/FTP Server


"OK" indicates that the transmission was completed successfully while "NG" and three digits (an error code) indicates that the transmission failed (When an Error Code Appears).

Department ID

The Department ID is shown when Department ID Management is enabled.


For e-mail, TX Result Reports indicate the transmission result between the machine and the mail server, not between the machine and the destination address. Even if the transmission fails, a three-digit error code will not be printed. To check the error code, print a Communication Management Report (Communication Management Report (MF729Cx / MF628Cw)).
To print a part of a fax document on the report
When you select <On> or <Only When Error Occurs>, a part of a fax document can be included in the report. Set <Include TX Image> to <On>.