Scanning Different Sized Originals Together
You can load originals of different sizes together in the feeder and scan them in one operation.
Switch the scanner online → load the originals into the feeder → start Color Network ScanGear or Network ScanGear from the application.
Select [Different Sizes] from [Original Size].
Select the appropriate combination of original sizes → click [OK].
sizes such as A3 and A4, where the longer side of the smaller original is the same size as the shorter side of the larger original, select [Same Width].
For combinations of sizes such as A3 and B4 with no sides of the same length in common, select [Different Width].
If you are scanning a custom size paper original, select [Custom] for [Original Size] in the [Main] sheet. Also, in such cases the width of all pages must be the same.
The window displayed may vary according to the operating system etc.