If colour image files are attached to an I-fax document, you cannot receive the I-fax document. In this case, Error Code #821 appears on the details screen of the job log in the Status Monitor/Cancel screen, and is in included in various reports such as the Management Report. (See "List of Error Codes without Messages.")
If image files attached to received I-fax documents are not compatible with this machine, the machine does not process (print, forward, or store) these files. The files are deleted instead. In this case, the names of the deleted files and the message <Could not create image> are printed with the text of the received I-fax.
If a received I-fax document contains a TIFF file attachment but no e-mail message, the sender name and subject of the e-mail (each up to 24 characters) are printed as the header of the TIFF image.