Feeder Cover
Open this cover to remove jammed paper.
Slide Guides
Adjust these guides to match the width of the original.
Original Supply Tray
Originals placed here are automatically fed sheet by sheet to the platen glass. Place originals into this tray with the surface that you want to scan face up.
Original Output Area
Originals that have been scanned from the original supply tray are output into the original output area in the order that they are fed into the feeder.
Original Set Indicator
Lights when originals are placed in the original supply tray.
Do not insert your hands in the gap in the original supply tray, as doing so may cause injury.
Do not drop clips or other objects into the gap.
Do not press down hard on the feeder when using the platen glass to make copies of thick books.
Do not place items in the original output area, as doing so may cause damage to your originals.
If you are using the imageRUNNER ADVANCE C2020, depending on the region, this option is standard-equipped.