Pure Black Text

[On]*, [Off]

This setting affects the printout for black (R=G=B=0% or C=M=Y=100%/Bk=N% or C=M=Y=0%/Bk=100%) text on a page. Under most circumstances it is preferable to leave this option set to [On].


Black colours generated by applications are printed using only 100% black toner. This means that the colour toner will not be misaligned since only one toner colour (black) is used.


The black text is printed using CMYK toners based on the selected Output Profile setting. It is preferable to turn this option [Off] for some jobs.

The mode is not available if you set [Resolution] to [1200 dpi].
Depending on the data to be printed, the Toner Save mode may not be applied even if you select [On] for [Pure Black Text].
If you select [On] for [Toner Save], very light or finely detailed images may not be printed clearly.