Print Job Results Unsatisfactory

Page layout is not correct
If the printing area on the page is not positioned correctly, or if part of the printed area is missing, check the following points:
Is the document printed in the printable area?
Some software applications may allow you to enter print text and graphics outside the printable area. However, elements beyond the boundaries of the printable area will not print.
Does the [Output Size] setting in the [Basic Settings] or [Page Setup] tab match the actual size of the paper loaded in the printer feed source?
Make sure that the [Output Size] setting in the printer driver matches the size of the paper in the printer.
Is [Manual Scaling] selected in the [Basic Settings] or [Page Setup] tab?
When [Manual Scaling] is selected, you can enlarge or reduce the size of the printout. Make sure that the size of the paper you are using is large enough for the print job.
Is the setting in the [Gutter Settings] dialog box displayed from the [Finishing] tab too large?
If the gutter setting is too large, there may not be enough space on the page for the printout.
Cannot acquire department ID management or device information in the Novell NetWare environment
Occasionally you may not be able to use the department ID management, get device status, or form file on device (overlay print) function on a Novell NetWare network (Novell Distributed Print Service function). To solve this problem, use the installer for the driver to install Canon Driver Information Assist Service → execute Portset.exe to set the port (click [Start] → point to [Programs] → point to Canon → click [Portset]).