Determining Resolution

Data of the scanned image consists of dots which have information about brightness and color. The density of these dots is called "resolution", and "dpi" (dots per inch) refers to the number of dots in one inch.
Specify the resolution in the following options.
MF Toolbox -> [Image Quality]
ScanGear MF -> the advanced mode tab -> [Output Resolution]
When displaying on the monitor:
Images for display on a monitor should usually be scanned at a resolution of 75 dpi.
When printing with the printer:
Scan the document according to the resolution of the printer.
When enlarging/reducing a printing image:
When printing an image with the length and width doubled, the actual resolution becomes half. In this case, you can print in sufficient quality by scanning the document in double resolution. Conversely, when printing an image with the length and width halved, you can print properly in half resolution.
Resolution and data size:
When resolution is doubled, the amount of the scanned image data is quadrupled. If the data is too large, this may slow the processing speed substantially, resulting in failure such as insufficient memory. Specify the minimum resolution according to your purpose.
When printing with a color printer:
Specifying the resolution at half the resolution of the printer should be fine because inks of several colors are mixed in color printing.
About the scanning resolution:
The maximum resolution is as follow.
MFP output resolution
Software enhanced resolution
300 dpi
9600 dpi