Screen Layout of the Remote UI

Status Monitor/Cancel
Displays the current status of jobs, and permits changes to jobs being processed by the machine. Also displays the status of the machine. (See "Managing Jobs" and "Checking the Status and Information of the Machine.")
Enables you to specify or change various system management settings on the machine. The settings you can set/change differ depending on whether you logged in as an end-user or system manager.
Device Basic Information
Displays Device Status and Error Information.
Consumables Information
Displays Paper Information and Remaining Toner.
The operations available on the Settings/Registration screen vary between system managers and end-users.
For System Managers:
As a default, System Manager Settings (System Manager ID/System Manager PIN) are set on the machine.
Thus, the system manager must log in by entering the System Manager ID and the System Manager PIN.
The default setting for both the System Manager ID and System Manager PIN is '7654321'. We recommend that you change both the System Manager ID and System Manager PIN. For more information on setting the System Manager ID and System Manager PIN, see "Setting the System Manager Information."
For End-Users:
Some items on the Settings/Registration screen are restricted for end-users. Items that a user does not have operating privileges for are grayed out and cannot be selected on the display.
Items that a user does not have operating privileges for are not displayed on the Remote UI.