Finishing - Paper Folding

You can output pages folded into one of a variety of forms.
You can also use an option to specify the folding direction and original orientation. With face down, the printed surface is on the outside. With face up, the printed surface is on the inside.


lpr <file path>
-o CNZfolding={None | True | False}
-o CNCfolding={None | False | True [-o CNCfoldSetting={pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3 | pattern4}]}
-o CNSaddleFolding={None | False | True [-o CNSaddleFoldSetting={pattern1 | pattern2}] [-o CNSaddleFoldSheetsNum=<Sheets per Set>]}
-o CNSaddleCFolding={None | False | True [-o CNSaddleCFoldSetting={pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3 | pattern4}] [-o CNSaddleFoldSheetsNum=<Sheets per Set>]}
-o CNHalfFolding={None | False | True [-o CNHalfFoldSetting={pattern1 | pattern2}]}
-o CNAccordionZfolding={None | False | True [-o CNAccordionZfoldSetting={pattern1 | pattern2}]}
-o CNDoubleParallelFolding={None | False | True [-o CNDoubleParallelFoldSetting={pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern3 | pattern4}]}


Performs Z-folding.
Performs C-folding.
pattern1: Face Down + Portrait
pattern2: Face Down + Landscape
pattern3: Face Up + Portrait
pattern4: Face Up + Landscape
Performs saddle folding.
pattern1: Face Down + Portrait
pattern2: Face Up + Landscape
The CNSaddleFoldSheetsNum option enables you to specify the number of pages for each stack. (default: 1)
Performs saddle C-folding.
pattern1: Face Down + Portrait
pattern2: Face Down + Landscape
pattern3: Face Up + Portrait
pattern4: Face Up + Landscape
Performs bi-folding.
pattern1: Face Down + Portrait
pattern2: Face Up + Landscape
Performs accordion Z-folding.
pattern1: Portrait
pattern2: Landscape
Performs double parallel folding.
pattern1: Face Down + Portrait
pattern2: Face Down + Landscape
pattern3: Face Up + Portrait
pattern4: Face Up + Landscape


To print the file "sample.txt" with the following setting:
Saddle Fold: Use
Folding Direction & Original Orientation: Face Down + Portrait
Sheets per Set: 5
$ lpr sample.txt -o CNSaddleFolding=True -o CNSaddleFoldSetting=pattern1 -o CNSaddleFoldSheetsNum=5