Device Settings - Authentication Function

You can perform print management by means of the department ID management function or the user authentication function.


cnjatool2 {-e | -eu | -d | -p | -x | -pu | -xu} <printer name>
lpr <file path>
-o CNDisableJobAccountingBW={False | True -o CNColorMode=mono}
-o CNUseCSModeJobAccount={Mode1 | Mode2}


-e / -eu / -d
Activates or deactivates the authentication function. Execute the command with super user privileges.
-e: Activates the department ID management function.
-eu: Activates the user authentication function.
-d: Deactivates the department ID management function and user authentication function.
Enables you to set the ID and PIN registered in the printer when using the department ID management function.
Press the [Enter] key after entering each item. If a PIN is not registered, leave it blank.
Deletes the department ID and PIN for department ID management.
Enables you to set the user name and PIN registered in the printer when using the user authentication function.
Press the [Enter] key after entering each item. If a PIN is not registered, leave it blank.
Deletes the user name and PIN for the user authentication function.
Performs black-and-white printing without authentication when the department ID management function is activated.
Specifies the authentication method supported by the printer when the department ID management function is activated.
Mode1: Encryption not supported
Mode2: Encryption supported


To print the file "sample.txt" with the following setting:
Do Not Use Job Accounting When B&W Printing: Use
Color Mode: Black and White
$ lpr sample.txt -o CNDisableJobAccountingBW=True -o CNColorMode=mono