Finishing - Paper Output Method

You can set the method for sorting and processing output paper.


lpr <file path>
-o Collate={{True | False | Group} | {Staple | StapleCollate | EcoStapleCollate | StapleGroup | EcoStapleGroup} [-o StapleLocation={None | TopLeft | Top | TopRight | Left | Right | BottomLeft | Bottom | BottomRight}]}
-o CNOutputPartition={None | rotation | offset [-o CNOffsetNum=<Sheets per Set>]}
-o CNOutputFace={None | FaceUp | FaceDown}
-o CNPunch={None | Left | Right | Top | Bottom}
-o CNMultiPunch={Off | On | PUNU2 | PUNU3 | PUNU23 | PUNU4 | PUNF2 | PUNF4 | PUNS4 | PUNM | PUNDM | PUNSDM}
-o CNPerforation={None | Location1 | Location2 | Location1Any}
-o CNCrease={None | Location1 | Location2 | LocationBook}
-o CNPoster={None | 2 | 3 | 4}


Specifies the sorting method when printing multiple copies.
True: Collates by copy set, such as "123..., 123."
False / Group: Collates by page, such as "111..., 222."
Staple / StapleCollate / EcoStapleCollate: Collates by copy set and performs stapling or staple-free binding.
StapleGroup / EcoStapleGroup: Collates by page and performs stapling or staple-free binding.
When performing stapling or staple-free binding, the StapleLocation option can be used to specify the margin position.
Specifies the method for collating by copy set.
rotation: Rotates the output.
offset: Offsets the output. To specify the number of copy sets to offset by, use the CNOffsetNum option. (default: 1)
Specifies whether the printed side is output face up or face down.
Specifies the hole punch position.
Specifies the hole punch type.
On: 2 Holes (for printer models that support only two holes)
PUNU2: 2 Holes (for printer models that support two or more holes)
PUNU23: 2/3 Holes
PUNU3: 3 Holes
PUNU4: 4 Holes
PUNS4: 4 Holes (Swedish)
PUNM: Multi Holes
PUNDM: Multi Holes (Double)
PUNSDM: Saddle Punch
The types of punch holes that can be specified depend on the model you are using.
If you are using a model with different punch holes than the above, the types of punch holes that you can specify are as follows.
On: 2 Holes (for printer models that support only two holes)
PUNU2: 2 Holes (for printer models that support two or more holes)
PUNU3: 3 Holes
PUNU23: 2/3 Holes
PUNF2: 2 Holes (French)
PUNF4: 4 Holes (French)
PUNS4: 4 Holes (Swedish)
PUNM: Multi Holes
PUNDM: Multi Holes (Double)
If Off is specified for the CNMultiPunch option when the CNPunch option is specified, the CNPunch option is processed as None.
Specifies perforation.
None: Specifies no perforation.
Location1: Specifies the position of the perforation to be in the center of the paper.
Location2: Specifies the position of the perforation to be at each third of the paper.
Location1Any: Specifies the perforation to be at an arbitrary position specified by the device.
Specifies the creases.
None: Specifies no creases.
Location1: Specifies the position of the creases to be in the center of the paper.
Location2: Specifies the position of the creases to be at each third of the paper.
LocationBook: Specifies the position of the creases to be at the booklet spine.
Enlarges the print data for a single page and divides it into multiple pages for printing. The printed pages can then be combined to create a printed material such as a poster.
2: Divides the print data into four pages for printing.
3: Divides the print data into nine pages for printing.
4: Divides the print data into 16 pages for printing.


To print the file "sample.txt" with the following setting:
Copies: 5
Finishing: Staple & Collate
Staple Position: Upper Left (Single)
$ lpr sample.txt -o CNCopies=5 -o Collate= StapleCollate -o StapleLocation=TopLeft