Finishing - Special Print Processing

You can set the print processing method when you want to improve the print result or use special paper.
Specify a function supported by the model you are using.


lpr <file path>
-o CNSpecialPrintMode={None | Mode1 | Mode2 | Mode3 | Mode4 | True | False}
-o CNPlainPaperCurlCorrect={None | Off | Mode1 | Mode2}
-o CNSpecialPrintAdjustment={Off | Settings1 | Settings2}
-o CNBarCodeMode={None | Off | Mode1 | Mode2 | Mode3 | Mode4 | Mode5}
-o CNSpecialPrintAdjustmentA={None | Off | Mode1 | Mode2 | Mode3 | Mode4}
-o CNSpecialPrintAdjustmentB={None | Off | Mode1 | Mode2 | Mode3}
-o CNSpecialPrintAdjustmentC={None | On | Off}
-o CNImageSpecialProcess={None | Off | Level1 | Level2}
-o CNSpecialSmooth={None | Mode1 | Mode2 | Mode3 | Mode4 | Mode5 | Mode6}
-o CNOutputAdjustment={True | False}
-o CNGlossyPlainPaperProc= {None | True | False}
-o CNPreventPostcardFogging= {None | Off | Mode1 | Mode2}
-o CNShiftStartPrintPosition={False | True [-o CNShiftFrLongEdge=<Start Position>] [-o CNShiftFrShortEdge=<Start Position>] [-o CNShiftBkLongEdge=<Start Position>] [-o CNShiftBkShortEdge=<Start Position>]}


Improves the problem where black streaks appear in the printed output by using the Special Print Adjustment function. Try the settings in order, starting with Mode1.
Improves the fixability problem where the paper curls when printing on plain paper by using the Special Print Mode (Plain Paper) function.
Try the settings in order, starting with Mode1.
Improves the print result by using the Special Print Mode function. Try the settings in order, starting with Settings1.
Adjusts the line width when you want to print small text and thin lines more clearly by using the Special Settings 1 function or Barcode Adjustment Mode function.
Try the settings in order, starting with Mode1.
Improves the problem where black streaks appear in the printed output by thinning out the dots by using the Special Print Adjustment A function or Blurry Image Correction function.
Try the settings in order, starting with Mode1.
Increases the toner fixability when black streaks appear in the printed output by using the Special Print Adjustment B function.
Try the settings in order, starting with Mode1.
Lowers the print speed to improve the toner fixability and print more quietly by using the Special Print Adjustment C or Quiet Mode function.
Corrects the data when thick text and lines are interrupted by using the Image Special Process function.
Try the settings in order, starting with Level1.
Smooths the contours of characters, lines, images, and inside gradations by using the Special Smoothing Mode function.
Normally, specify Mode1. If Mode1 does not make things smoother, click the subsequent "Open details" and try another mode, according to the content of the data.
Increases the resolution when the data includes a mix of text, images, and graphs, etc. by using the Output Adjustment Mode function.
Performs processing with the glossy fixing mode when printing on plain paper by using the Glossy Plain Paper Processing function.
Alleviates the problem of the printed image being entirely or partially fogged when printing to postcards by using the Prevent Postcard Fogging function.
Specify Mode1 for normal use. If the problem is not solved by Mode1, you can specify Mode2, but this may affect the printed image itself.
Adjusts the print start position by using the Shift the Position to Start Printing function. This function is useful for adjusting the margins when the vertical margin differs from the horizontal margin, or when hiding the information in the header and footer.
The following options enable you to specify the start position (displacement width). (units: mm, default: 0)
CNShiftFrLongEdge option: Long Edge (Front Side)
CNShiftFrShortEdge option: Short Edge (Front Side)
CNShiftBkLongEdge option: Long Edge (Back Side)
CNShiftBkShortEdge option: Short Edge (Back Side)


To print the file "sample.txt" with the following setting:
Shift the Position to Start Printing: Use
Long Edge (Front Side): 50.0 mm
Short Edge (Front Side): 40.0 mm
Long Edge (Back Side): -30.0 mm
Short Edge (Back Side): -20.0 mm
$ lpr sample.txt CNShiftStartPrintPosition=True -o CNShiftFrLongEdge=50.0 -o CNShiftFrShortEdge=40.0 -o CNShiftBkLongEdge=-30.0 -o CNShiftBkShortEdge=-20.0