Registering Multiple Destinations for Group Dial

Multiple destinations can be combined into groups. You can register up to 299 destinations (100 destinations for e-mails) for a group. After a group is registered, you can edit or delete it.
Only destinations of the same type of address can be registered in the same group.
Shared folders or FTP servers cannot be registered in a group as destinations.
Press  and tap <Address Book>.
Tap <Register Dest.>.
If a screen appears prompting you to enter a PIN, enter the correct PIN using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>. Setting a PIN for Address Book
Select <Coded Dial>  <Group>.
Groups can also be registered in Favorites. Select <Favorites>  <Group> to register the group as Favorites.
Tap <Name>.
Registering <Name> is optional. If you register <Name>, the destination can be searched alphabetically.
Enter the name using the numeric keys, and tap <Apply>.
On how to enter text, see Entering Text.
Tap <Number of Destinations>.
Tap <Add>.
Select the index containing the destination you want to register. Index
You can change the display by tapping /.
Select the destination.
Repeat steps 7 to 9 until you have registered all of the destinations that you want to register, and then tap <Apply>.
To remove a destination from the group
Select the destination that you want to remove from the group, and tap <Remv. from Grp>  <Yes>.
Tap <Apply>.

Editing the Content of Groups

After registering destinations in a group, you can change the content of registered information. For example, you can change the group name or coded dial number, add/delete destinations, and so on.

Deleting a Group from the Address Book
