Registering Destinations in the Address Book from Remote UI

You can use the computer to register destinations in the Address Book of the machine and edit information of registered destinations. Specify the shared folder or FTP server destination here.
You can change the settings only when you have logged on in System Manager Mode.
Start the Remote UI. Starting Remote UI
Click [Address Book].
If the enter PIN page is displayed
The Address Book is protected by a PIN. Enter the [PIN] and click [OK].
Click [Coded Dial].
You can also register destinations in Favorites. In this case, click [Favorites] instead of [Coded Dial]. Favorites
Click the text link under [Number], [Type], or [Name] for an item named "Not Registered."
You can edit a registered item by clicking the corresponding text link under [Number], [Type] or [Name].
You can delete a registered destination by clicking the corresponding [Delete] button.
Select [Destination Type to Register] and click [OK].
To register the shared folder or FTP server destination, select [File].
Specify the destination.
To register the fax destination
To register the e-mail or I-Fax destination
To register the shared folder or FTP server destination
Click [OK].