
This section describes the print settings.
<Forced Hold>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify the settings for the forced hold printing. Configuring the Forced Hold Printing Settings
<Job Storage Period>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify the time period for storing jobs.
<Delete Job After Printing>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify whether to delete jobs after they are printed.
<Only Allow Encrypted Print Jobs>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
You can set the machine to only receive encrypted secure print jobs from computers.
<Include Domain as User Recognition Condition>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify whether to determine print jobs of a login user by "user name + domain name" or only "user name". Depending on your environment, if print jobs are not correctly determined as My Jobs, they can be correctly determined as jobs of the login user by selecting <Off> and excluding "domain name".
<Display Other User Jobs>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify whether to display the jobs from users other than the authorized user.
<Restrict Deletion of Other User Jobs>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify whether to allow jobs of users other than the authorized user to be deleted when the jobs of users other than the authorized user are displayed.
<Match Case for User Name>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify whether to set the machine to distinguish uppercase and lowercase characters for user names.
<Job List Display Settings>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify the job types to be included in the job list, and the job type to be selected by default.
<Held Jobs Warning Settings>
  <Function Settings>  <Print>
Specify the method for sending Job Hold alerts.