Specifying Destinations with the One-Touch Buttons

Tap one-touch buttons in the <Home> Screen to specify destinations.
You need to register destinations before using one-touch dialing.
Press  and tap any one of <One-Touch 1> to <One-Touch 4>.
If a confirmation screen appears
If <One-Touch/Coded Dial TX Confirmation> is set to <On>, a confirmation screen appears with the destination and destination name registered to the one-touch button (if a destination registered for Group Dial, the group name and number of destinations appears). Confirm the destinations are correct, and tap <OK>. If destinations are incorrect, tap <Cancel> and tap the one-touch buttons again. Checking Destinations before Sending Documents
Selecting several destinations
Destinations can be added from the Address Book, coded dial numbers, one-touch dial numbers, numeric keys, and recall settings. Tap <Destination>.
Specify the scanning settings as necessary.
Select the settings. Various Fax Settings
Press to start sending.
Scanning starts.
If you want to cancel sending, press   Tap <Yes>.
To delete destinations
If you specified multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.