Hardware Specifications
0YRY-0KK 0UUY-0L5 0UW1-0K9 1100-0KS 0X7F-0S9 0X7H-0RF 10XJ-0KS 0X6E-0S9 0X6W-0RF 1106-0KS 0X7C-0S9 0X7A-0RF 10YY-OKS 0WXY-0SA 0X7E-0RF 10YY-0KS 10H3-0KL 0WR6-0SH 0WR7-0RR 108A-0KR 1116-0KR 10H4-0KL 0WR5-0SH 0WR8-0RR 0YWJ-0LA 0YWH-0RE 0YWR-0L5 0YWK-0RE 0YWE-0S9 0YWF-0RE 0YAS-0KU
This section presents the specifications of the main unit and optional equipment of this product. Note that the specifications are subject to change without notice for product improvement or future release.
Machine Specifications
Specifications of Optional Equipment