Restricting the Display of Job Log

You can specify whether or not to display the job log on the touch panel display. When you set [Job Log Display] to ‘On’, you can check the job log using the System Monitor screen. When you set [Job Log Display] to ‘Off’, the job log does not appear on the System Monitor screen.
For more information on the System Monitor screen, see Základní operace and Kontrola/změna stavu dokumentů v paměti.
When you set [Job Log Display] to ‘Off’, [Activity Reports] and [Fax Activity Reports] in Settings in Report Settings (from the Additional Functions screen) are not displayed.
When you set [Job Log Display] to ‘Off’, Activity Reports and Fax Activity Reports will not be printed automatically.
The default setting is ‘On’.
Press (Additional Functions) → [System Settings].
Press [] or [] until [Job Log Display] appears → press [Job Log Display].
Press [On] or [Off] → press [OK].
The job log is displayed on the System Monitor screen.
The job log is not displayed on the System Monitor screen.
Press (Reset) to return to the top screen.