Checking Status and Log for Scanned Originals

You can check the status and log for scanned originals sent directly from the machine.
When <Display Job Log> is set to <Off>, you cannot check the logs for sent documents. <Display Job Log>
Select <Status Monitor>.
Select <TX Job>.
Check the statuses and logs for sent documents.
To check the statuses for sent documents
Select the document whose status you want to check in the <TX Job Status> tab.
Displays detailed information about the document.
If you specified multiple destinations, the number of specified destinations is displayed on the screen. To check the details of specified multiple destinations, select <Destination>.
To check the logs for sent documents
Select the document whose log you want to check in the <TX Job Log> tab.
<OK> is displayed when a document was sent successfully, and <Error> is displayed when a document failed to be sent because it was canceled or there was some error.
Displays detailed information about the document.
When a three-digit number is shown in the case of <Error>
This number represents an error code. Countermeasures for Each Error Code