Printer Connection Method (FTP)

The following procedure describes how to perform printing by using FTP.
Log in to the FTP server of the machine → start the command prompt → use the following command.
For details on user names and passwords, see step 6 in "Settings Common to TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6."
Command to be executed
1. ftp> bin *Change the file type to IMAGE (BINARY)
Change the file type to IMAGE (BINARY) even if you are printing text files.
2. ftp> put <File Name> *Upload the file to be printed
3. ftp> bye *Cut off server connection
The following is a UNIX command example.
1. U:> ftp *Connect to server
Connected to 
220 Connection established. 
2. Name ( user_name *User login
331 Password required to login. 
3. Password: *Enter password
230 User user_name logged in. 
4. ftp> bin *Set file type
200 Type set to IMAGE (binary). 
5. ftp> put print.txt *Upload print file
200 PORT command successful. 
150 Opened BINARY data connection for file transfer. 
226 Transfer complete. 
6. ftp> bye *Cut off server connection
221 Server closing down connection.
Up to three clients can be logged in simultaneously to its FTP server.
You cannot perform manipulation of files (changing file names, deleting, etc.) on the FTP server by using FTP commands.