Sending the Page Selected in the Preview via E-mail

You can attach the page selected in the Preview Window to e-mail and send it.
If you convert a PDF document with Reader Extensions to a PDF document and attach it to an e-mail, the Reader Extensions function is deleted.
In order to send via e-mail, an e-mail account and profile must be configured in advance.
Using a mail output button when Microsoft Outlook has never been started to attach a document to an e-mail results in an error.
To attach the selected page to an e-mail, configure one of the following settings for the mail output button.
[Attach as-is in original document format]
[Attach after converting to PDF document]
[Select when attaching]
For more information on mail output button settings, see the following.
The pages to attach to e-mail can only be selected in the Preview Window for PDF documents.
Select the document to send in the File List View Window.
Display the page to attach to e-mail in the Preview Window.
When using the thumbnail view, select the page to attach to e-mail.
If the Preview Window is not displayed, click (Preview) on the ribbon.
If (Preview) is not displayed on the ribbon of Desktop Browser, see the following to display it.
This operation can also be performed with the tool buttons on the toolbar. If tool buttons are not displayed on the toolbar of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.
When using the thumbnail view, multiple pages can be selected by clicking them while holding down the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key on the keyboard.
When using the thumbnail view, you can drag the mouse from an area of the Preview Window where nothing is displayed to select multiple pages. However, you cannot use the [Shift] key when performing this operation.
Drag and drop the displayed page to (mail output button).
If the [Attach as-is in original document format] check box is selected in the mail output button settings, the e-mail application launches and the screen to create a new e-mail is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 9.
If the [Attach after converting to PDF document] check box is selected in the mail output button settings, the [Detailed Settings for PDF Document] dialog box is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 4.
If the [Select when attaching] check box is selected in the mail output button settings, a dialog box for selecting the format of the file to attach is displayed.
To attach the PDF document as it is, click [Original Document As-is]. In this case, proceed to step 9
To configure detailed settings for the PDF document, click [Change Detailed Settings]. In this case, proceed to step 4
For more information on mail output button settings, see the following.
Note that clicking the mail output button will attach the entire document to e-mail.
The same operation can also be performed from the Edit Pages Mode screen to attach the selected page to an e-mail. The mail output button can also be clicked on the Edit Pages Mode screen to attach to an e-mail. For information on the Edit Pages Mode, see the following.
Drag and drop operations cannot be performed in the Grab Mode
Configure the advanced settings of the PDF document.
For details on the settings, see the following.
Click [OK].
The e-mail application launches and the screen to create a new e-mail is displayed. Proceed to step 9.
A confirmation message is displayed if the [Convert to PDF/A-1b format] check box is selected. In this case, proceed to step 6.
When a password to open the document is set, the [Confirm Document Open Password] dialog box is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 7.
When printing or editing the document is restricted, the [Confirm Permissions Password] dialog box is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 8.
If the attachment file exceeds the specified file size, a warning message is displayed. Click [Yes] to attach the file or [No] to not attach the file. For information on the size settings for attachment files, see the following.
The attached PDF document is saved with "_selected page number" appended at the end of the original document's name. The page number uses the number of pages from the original document.
If multiple pages were selected, the attached PDF document is saved with "_page number of first page selected" appended to the original document name.
Click [OK].
The e-mail application launches and the screen to create a new e-mail is displayed. Proceed to step 9.
When the [Convert to PDF/A-1b format] check box is selected, an error message is displayed if conversion to a PDF document in the PDF/A format fails. For information on the causes of errors, see the following.
If the [Convert to PDF/A-1b format] check box is not selected when the original document is in the PDF/A format, the PDF document after conversion will not conform to the PDF/A format.
Selecting [Do not show this message again] disables the confirmation message. Even if the confirmation message is disabled, it can be enabled again by selecting [Display a confirmation message when converting to PDF documents that meet the requirements of PDF/A].
[File] menu > [Option] > [System Settings] > [Browser] > [Display Dialog Box] > [Display a confirmation message when converting to PDF documents that meet the requirements of PDF/A]
Enter the same password you have entered in [Document Open Password], and click [OK].
The e-mail application launches and the screen to create a new e-mail is displayed. Proceed to step 9.
When printing or editing the document is restricted, the [Confirm Permissions Password] dialog box is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 8.
Enter the same password you have entered in [Change Permissions Password], and click [OK].
The e-mail application launches and the screen to create a new e-mail is displayed.
Enter the destination e-mail address, title, and message, and send the e-mail.