Desktop Browser

Library Restrictions
Maximum number of libraries
Maximum length of library names
255 characters
Duplication of library names
Display update interval
10 to 999 seconds
Personal Library
Folders that cannot be used
Folders on a drive other than a hard disk or network drive of the computer that you are using
Windows folders (such as "C:\Windows")
Folders for which you do not have read, write, and delete permissions (Windows)
Folders already configured as a library
Folders in directories above or below the following libraries
Personal Libraries
DM Data Libraries
Folders with the system attribute set
Folders with the hidden file attribute set
Network Library
Folders that cannot be used
Folders on a drive other than a hard disk or network drive of the computer that you are using
Windows folders (such as "C:\Windows")
Folders for which you do not have write permissions (Windows)
Folders already configured as a library
Folders in directories above or below the following libraries
DM Data Libraries
Folders with the system attribute set
Folder with the hidden file attribute set (however, registration is possible if the directory attribute is set)
Number of clients that the same folder can be registered as a Network Library for at the same time
Network Libraries with full text searching enabled: 50
Network Libraries (databases): 20
Other: Unlimited
Document Server Library
Operations that require edit permissions or higher
Creating shortcuts
Copying/duplicating/moving/creating folders
Copying/duplicating/moving/deleting documents
Image formats that can be specified
BMP (*.bmp), JPEG (*.jpg/*.jpeg), GIF (*.gif), PNG (*.png), icon (*.ico)
Folder Hierarchy
Maximum number of folder levels
Total number of folders that can be created in a single library
1,000 (in an Advanced Box, 1,000 including documents)
Maximum number of documents in a Personal Library
Maximum number of documents in a Network Library
No restrictions (only for documents that do not use databases for management)
Number of documents in a Network Library (database) that can be managed by a database *1
20,000 (in a library)
100,000 (in the same server)
Number of thumbnails that can be retained by a Network Library (database)*1
Maximum database size of a Network Library (database)*1
2 GB*2
Folders/documents not displayed in a Personal Library or Network Library
Folders with the hidden file attribute set
Encrypted folders
Folders with a reparse point specified
Documents with the hidden file attribute set
Folders or documents whose path length is 220 characters or longer
Folders or documents displayed because the number of items within a folder exceeds 5,000
*1 Only documents in a folder set to be managed by the database are included.
*2 To manage databases, a maximum of 6 GB of free space is required for each library (database).
My Tray
Folders that cannot be specified as a shared folder
Recycle Bin
CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, RAM disks, removable devices
C:\Users, C:\WINDOWS, C:\Program Files, C:\ProgramData, and all their subfolders
Folders already registered as hot folders or the transfer sources of My Tray
Folders already registered as the transfer source for a personal button in the input bar
Folders already registered as a destination tray output button
Folders with the same path as an existing Personal Library/Network Library, and all their subfolders
Folders with the hidden file attribute set
Encrypted folders
Folders with a reparse point specified
Folder Restrictions
Maximum length of folder names
Personal Library: 220 characters excluding the "file:///"
Network Library: 220 characters excluding the "file:"
Document Server Library:
Folder names: 128 characters or less
The path to documents must be 256 characters or less, excluding the "http://hostname" or "https://hostname/" at the beginning
Characters prohibited in folder names (Personal Library/Network Library)
The following characters cannot be used.
\ / : * ? " < > | ,
Control codes and periods at the beginning/end
The following folder names cannot be used.
"Recycle Bin", "$Recycler.DT", "dt.iwu", "dt.iwn", "NUL", "CON", "PRN", "AUX", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9"
Folder names starting with the following strings cannot be used.
"NUL.", "CON.", "PRN.", "AUX.", "COM1.", "COM2.", "COM3.", "COM4.", "COM5.", "COM6.", "COM7.", "COM8.", "COM9.", "LPT1.", "LPT2.", "LPT3.", "LPT4.", "LPT5.", "LPT6.", "LPT7.", "LPT8.", "LPT9."
Names of folders or documents that already exist in the same level in the hierarchy
Characters prohibited in folder names (Document Server Library)
"Recycle Bin"and characters prohibited in Document Server
Names of folders or documents that already exist in the same level in the hierarchy
Duplication of folder names
Not possible
Maximum number of displayed items in a folder
Folder Display Colors
Display colors that can be specified
The following display colors can be set.
White, Light Yellow, Light Red, Light Pink, Light Green, Light Turquoise, Light Blue-Gray, Light Gray
You cannot change the folder display color in a Network Library.
Edit permissions or higher are required to change the display color of a folder in a Document Server Library.
Hot Folders
Maximum number of hot folders
Folders that cannot be specified as a transfer source
Recycle Bin
CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, RAM disks, removable devices
C:\Users, C:\WINDOWS, C:\Program Files, C:\ProgramData, and all their subfolders
A folder already registered as the transfer source of hot folder or My Tray
Folders already registered as the transfer source for a personal button in the input bar
Folders already registered as a destination tray output button
Folders with the same path as an existing personal library/network library, and all their subfolders
Folders with the hidden file attribute set
Encrypted folders
Folders with a reparse point specified
Folders that can be specified but cannot be used as a transfer source
Folders for which you did not select the [Remember my password] check box although a dialog box for Windows authentication was displayed when specifying the folder
Maximum length of transfer source path
190 characters
Document Restrictions
Maximum length
Personal Library: 220 characters excluding the "file:///"
Network Library: 220 characters excluding the "file:"
Document Server Library:
128 characters or less
Characters prohibited in document names (Personal Library/Network Library)
The following characters cannot be used.
\ / : * ? " < > | ,
Control codes and periods at the end
The following document names cannot be used.
"Recycle Bin", "$Recycler.DT", "dt.iwu", "dt.iwn", "NUL", "CON", "PRN", "AUX", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9", "Thumbs.db"
Document names starting with the following strings cannot be used.
"NUL.", "CON.", "PRN.", "AUX.", "COM1.", "COM2.", "COM3.", "COM4.", "COM5.", "COM6.", "COM7.", "COM8.", "COM9.", "LPT1.", "LPT2.", "LPT3.", "LPT4.", "LPT5.", "LPT6.", "LPT7.", "LPT8.", "LPT9."
Names of folders or documents that already exist in the same level in the hierarchy
Characters prohibited in document names (Document Server Library)
The following document names cannot be used.
"Recycle Bin"and characters prohibited in Document Server
Names of folders or documents that already exist in the same level in the hierarchy
Duplication of document names
Not possible
File formats that cannot be used
Documents with the following extensions cannot be used.
"*.iwu", "*.iwn", "*.iwx", "*.grb", "*.tmp", "*.~lock"
Maximum file size
Personal Library: No restrictions (same as the restrictions of the file system)
Document Server Library: 300 MB
Maximum paper size
Width or height of 1200 mm (47 1/4 inch)
File formats that can display thumbnails
PDF documents (*.pdf)
Thumbnails cannot be displayed for password-protected PDF documents.
IWB documents (*.iwb)
XPS documents (*.xps)
Image documents (*.jpg/*.jpeg, *.bmp, *.tif/*.tiff)
Other image documents can also be displayed according to the codecs installed in the operating system.
Microsoft Office documents (Excel documents, Word documents, and PowerPoint documents)
File formats that can display previews
PDF documents (*.pdf)
When a permission password is configured for PDF documents, they cannot be previewed.
For annotated PDF documents, the annotations are also displayed in the preview.
Image documents (*.jpg/*.jpeg, *.bmp, *.tif/*.tiff)
Other image documents can also be displayed according to the codecs installed in the operating system.
IWB documents (*.iwb)
The preview uses the current print settings.
In an annotated IWB document, the annotations are also displayed.
XPS documents (*.xps)
Microsoft Office documents (Excel documents, Word documents, and PowerPoint documents)
Saved message files (*.msg)
Other (such as *.xdw/*.xbd )
If the operating system of the computer is a 32-bit operating system and DocuWorks or DocuWorks Viewer is installed, you can also preview DocuWorks documents (*.xdw) and DocuWorks binders (*.xbd).
Microsoft Office documents must be saved with thumbnails to display thumbnails in Desktop. However, it is not necessary to save thumbnails for PowerPoint documents.
Previews can be displayed with a magnification ratio of up to 200% for page sizes up to 482.6 mm x 482.6 mm (19 inch x 19 inch). For page sizes with a width or height that exceeds 482.6 mm (19 inches), the maximum magnification ratio of the preview is restricted.
Previews cannot be displayed for PDF documents with a page size exceeding 1200 mm (47 1/4 inch).
With multiple page documents, pages that do not exceed 1200 mm (47 1/4 inch) in size can be displayed by using the thumbnail view.
In the following cases, large icon thumbnails can be displayed as previews for Office documents.
When large icon thumbnails exist in the document and the [Enable preview feature for [Explorer]] check box is deselected in the [System Settings] dialog box > [Browser] > [Display Settings] > [Document Preview Settings].
When using Microsoft Office 2007, Excel/Word documents cannot be previewed. PowerPoint documents are previewed as thumbnails of large icons.
When Outlook 2007 is set as the default e-mail program, the following setting can be specified to preview saved message files.
Select the [Enable preview feature for [Explorer]] check box in the [System Settings] dialog box > [Browser] > [Display Settings] > [Document Preview Settings].
In the following case, if large icon thumbnails exist for saved message files, those thumbnails are displayed as previews.
When the [Enable preview feature for [Explorer]] check box is not selected in the [System Settings] dialog box > [Browser] > [Display Settings] > [Document Preview Settings]
When the extension is *.msg and the default mail program is something other than Outlook
Function Restrictions
Output Buttons
Maximum number of output buttons that can be registered
Maximum length of output button names
40 characters
Maximum length of the path to the button image storage folder
259 characters
Maximum length of path to transfer destination folders
190 characters
Folders that cannot be specified as a transfer destination
A folder already set as a shared folder for My Tray in the same instance of Desktop
Maximum length of comments that can be entered for transfer destination folders
5,000 characters
Maximum length of path to application executable files
259 characters
Maximum length of job names
254 bytes
Address books that cannot be retrieved
Address books unique to devices
Address List for Admin.
Personal Address List
User Group Address List
If the version of Desktop Communicator installed on devices is 2.0.0:
Address groups registered in Address Book 01 to 10
If the version of Desktop Communicator installed on devices is 1.1.0:
Address groups registered in Address Book 01 to 10
One-touch button addresses
E-Mail Transmission
Shortcuts that cannot be attached
You cannot attach shortcuts created from the following documents/folders.
Shortcuts (*.iwl/*.iwlf)
Recycle Bin
Folders or documents in the Recycle Bin
Maximum file size
5 MB
Scanned Documents
Number of characters for document names (when characters and numbers are specified)
1 to 100 characters
Number of characters for document names (starting number)
10 digits or less
Integers from 0 to 2147483647
Characters prohibited in document names
The following characters cannot be used.
~ " # % & * : < > ? / \ { | }
Tabs, line breaks, initial or consecutive periods
The following document names cannot be used.
"CON", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "COM ", "LPT"
The characters that are prohibited in library also cannot be used.
Maximum number of pages
Scan (Personal Button) Transfer Destination Folders
Folders that cannot be specified
Recycle Bin
CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, RAM disks, removable devices
C:\Users, C:\WINDOWS, C:\Program Files, C:\ProgramData, and all their subfolders
Folders already registered as hot folders or folders for transfer in My Tray
Transfer source folders already registered as a personal button in the input bar
Folders already registered as a destination tray output button
Folders with the same path as an existing Personal Library/Network Library, and all their subfolders
Folders with the hidden file attribute set
Encrypted folders
Folders with a reparse point specified
Maximum path length
190 characters
Simple Searches
Search targets in Personal Libraries
A personal library that has not been registered as a shared folder on the local computer: Full text and property information
Personal Libraries with a shared folder registered: Property information
Personal Libraries with a folder in an Advanced Box registered: Property information
If you set to allow annotation text to be searched when creating a library, the annotation text can also be searched.
When searching Personal Libraries with a simple search, the following properties are searched.
[Annotation Text]
[Text1] to [Text5]
[Value1] to [Value2]
Search targets in Network Libraries
Property information
When searching Network Libraries with a simple search, the following properties are searched.
[Annotation Text]
Annotation text is searched in the following cases.
When using a search index to search a Network Library that does not use a database and Desktop Index Filter is operating normally
When searching a Network Library (database) for documents managed with the database
Search targets in Document Server Libraries
Folder names are not searched.
Documents for which property information is searched
*.exch, *.nsf, *.tif, *.tiff, *.pub, *.aspx, *.ascx, *.jsp, *.jhtml, *.msg, *.php, *.mspx
Documents for which the full text and property information are searched
*.htm, *.html, *.txt, *.asp, *.xls, *.doc, *.ppt, *.xml, *.eml, *.odc, *.dot, *.mht, *.mhtml, *.url, *.pdf, *.iwb
Documents for which the full text and property information are searched (when the IFilter registration tool is applied in the Document Server)
*.docx, *.docm, *.pptx, *.pptm, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb, *.zip, *.one, *.vsd, *.vss, *.vst, *.vdx, *.vsx, *.vtx, *.xps
When searching Document Server Libraries with a simple search, the following properties are searched.
[Modified By]
[Checked Out By]
The [Single Line of Text], [Multiple Lines of Text], and [Choice] index items that are set in the library
Search targets in annotations
The text in the following annotations can also be searched. Searches are performed on a line basis with partial matching.
[Text Box]
[Text Note]
[Text Stamp]
[Date Stamps]
Documents that cannot be searched
Documents stored in the following locations cannot be searched.
Recycle Bin
Checked out folders
My Tray
Advanced Searches
Maximum conditional expressions
Maximum number of search conditions
Maximum number of displayable search results
Libraries for which memos can be created
Personal Library
Document Server Library
My Tray
Maximum size
500 x 500 pixels
New Document Monitoring/Notification
Periodic monitoring time
1 to 99 minutes
Maximum number of monitored folders
20 (excluding shared folders in My Tray)
Formats that can be specified for notification sound files
Maximum notification sound file size
10 MB or less
Maximum length of path to notification sound files
255 characters
Length of time that notification sounds are played
9 seconds
Length of time notification window is displayed
10 seconds
File formats that notification cannot be sent for
TMP (*.tmp/*.TMP)
Documents displayed in the document list
New documents from the past 30 days including the current day
Print Jobs/Fax Transmission Jobs/Fax Reception Jobs
Formats that can be specified for fax reception notification sound files
Size of fax reception notification sound files
10 MB or less
Maximum length of path to fax reception notification sound files
255 characters
Length of time that fax reception notification sound is played
9 seconds
Length of time notification window is displayed
10 seconds
Job logs displayed in Log List
Job logs from the past 30 days including the current day
Maximum filename length for received files in fax reception history
254 bytes
Search Annotation Extraction Conditions
Maximum number of registered conditions
Restrictions for Linking Applications
Desktop Office Toolbar
Supported file formats
For Excel
*.xlsx, *.xls, *.xlsm, *.xlsb, *.txt, *.xml, *.csv, *.prn, *.dif, *.slk
For Word
*.docx, *.doc, *.docm, *.dotx, *.dot, *.dotm, *.rtf, *.txt, *.xml
For PowerPoint
*.pptx, *.pptm, *.ppt, *.ppsx, *.ppsm, *.pps, *.xml
Desktop Communicator Passwords
Maximum characters
16 characters
Address when changing
When TSL/SSL is not enabled in the device
http://(IP address of the device):8000/DesktopCommunicator/Setting
When TSL/SSL is enabled in the device
https://(IP address of the device):8443/DesktopCommunicator/Setting
Linking with Document Server
Applications that support auto check in
Desktop Editor
COREL WordPerfect
Photoshop CS
Microsoft Outlook
Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Reader

Edit Pages Mode

Maximum number of times
Operations that clear the operation log
When page editing is finished
Rearranging pages
Deleting pages
Rotating pages
Reversing pages