Setting Document Annotations in Properties

When importing PDF documents or IWB documents to a library, you can set the content of annotations in properties according to extraction conditions set in advance.
It is useful when setting a search keyword in properties, etc.
When you perform the following operations in PDF documents or IWB documents, content meeting the extraction conditions is automatically set in the properties.
Importing documents
Inserting annotations in a document with Desktop Editor and saving them in a library or exporting them in the PDF format

Creating New Extraction Conditions for Search Annotations

Start Desktop Browser.
Select the [File] menu > [Tools] > [Set Extraction Conditions for Annotations for Search].
The [Set Extraction Conditions for Annotations for Search] dialog box is displayed.
This screen enables you to edit and delete extraction conditions that you have created.
Click [Add].
The [Add New Extraction Condition of Annotations for Search] dialog box is displayed.
Click [Browse].
The [Add New Extraction Condition of Annotations for Search] dialog box is displayed.
Select the library to extract and set the search annotations for, and click [OK].
The path to the selected folder is displayed in [Library].
Select the property to set the extracted string for.
The properties that can be set differ according to the selected library.
Configure the extraction conditions for the search annotations.
You can use the regular expressions supported by .NET Framework.
Use [Description] and [Match case] as necessary.
Click [OK].
The [Set Extraction Conditions for Annotations for Search] dialog box is displayed again.
Click [Close].
The following restrictions apply when setting the extracted content in properties.
If there are multiple extracted strings, they are joined with single-byte spaces.
If there are multiple extracted strings, they are sorted in reverse alphabetical order.
If an extracted string has double-byte alphanumeric characters or double-byte katakana, they are converted to single-byte alphanumeric characters or single-byte katakana.
If the extracted strings overlap, only one is extracted.
If the maximum number of characters of the property to set is exceeded, the part exceeding the maximum number of characters is deleted.
Text that fails to be extracted is left blank.
If a property is already set, it is overwritten.