Memo Pinning Function

Memos can be pinned. If the memo pinning function is turned on (), the currently displayed memo will remain displayed within the screen.
If you select another document with the memo pinning function turned on (), the memo will be affected as follows.
If the selected document has memos attached to it:
The memos attached to the selected document are displayed in the memo editing dialog box. You can edit these memos.
If the selected document does not have memos attached to it:
An empty memo editing dialog box is displayed. You can edit these memos.
By turning the memo pinning function on (), it becomes unnecessary to perform the operation to display the memo editing dialog box by document. This lets you save time when adding memos to multiple documents.
If the memo pinning function is turned off (), selecting another document causes the memo editing dialog box to close. To cancel the memo pinning function, click .
Pinning cannot be set for individual documents. If you turn memo pinning on () in any document, it is also turned on in all other documents.
If pinning is turned on (), memos will not be displayed if a document is not selected.