Export Restrictions

Restrictions on Cabinets
The following restrictions apply to the cabinet to export selected in Data Converter Exporter.
Maximum number of cabinets that can be registered to Data Converter Exporter at the same time
Cabinets that can be exported
Personal cabinets
Shared cabinets(WG)
DAO cabinet
Cabinets that cannot be exported
Shared cabinets
Restrictions on Folders in Cabinets to Export
The following restrictions apply to folders in the cabinet to export selected in Data Converter Exporter.
Folders that cannot be exported (personal cabinets/shared cabinets(WG))
Folders without read/write privileges
The trash folder of users other than the connected user
Restrictions on Folders to Export to
The following restrictions apply to the folder to export to specified in Data Converter Exporter.
Maximum length of the folder path of the folder to export to
63 characters
Characters prohibited in folder names
~ ! @ % ^ & * { } [ ] + = | ' < > ? , / ; " :
Invalid folders to export to
Folders without read/write privileges
Folders that contain files or subfolders
Restrictions on Exported Folders
When the export process is executed, a folder with the name of the original cabinet is generated directly under the folder to export to selected in Data Converter Exporter.
The folders in the original cabinet are exported to the above cabinet name folder.
The following restrictions apply to the exported folders.
Maximum length of the cabinet name folder
143 characters
If the limit is exceeded, the end of the folder name is deleted.
Maximum length of path when a divided path folder is not used
169 characters
Maximum number of nested folders including the cabinet name folder
50 levels
Maximum number of subfolders in a divided path folder
Folder name restrictions
The initial character of strings restricted in Desktop is replaced with a hyphen (-).
Characters prohibited in Desktop are replaced with a hyphen (-).
"Trash" used in a cabinet is converted to "Trash Before Conversion".
If any of the following folder names are in a cabinet, the initial character is replaced with a hyphen (-) when exporting folders.
dtConverter.iwu, dtConverter.iwr
If replacing the initial character with a hyphen (-) generates another prohibited string, the last character in the folder name is replaced with an exclamation mark (!).
When the full path exceeds 169 characters because a folder name is too long, the folder may be exported with the end of the folder name deleted, without creating a divided folder path.
Divided path folders
If the folder path created when exporting exceeds 169 characters, the export process continues in a divided path folder automatically created inside the cabinet name folder.
The folder name of the divided path folder is "@DivPath_n" (where "n" is a serial number).
When a divided path folder is created, a text file that indicates the original folder hierarchy is created in the divided path folder. The name of the text file is also "@DivPath_n.txt" (where "n" is a serial number).
If the folder path also exceeds 169 characters inside the divided path folder, another divided path folder is created in the divided path folder.
"Created" and "Modified" of the folder change to the date and time the folder was exported.
Document Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to the documents in the exported cabinet.
Maximum size of image documents
1.9 GB
Documents that exceed the above size are exported after being divided with a number from 1 to 9999 added to the document name.
Minimum size of image documents
3 point x 3 point
Exported image documents that are 3 point x 3 point or smaller cannot be converted to PDF documents.
Documents that cannot be exported (DAO cabinets)
Image documents with a single page that exceeds 1.9 GB
Multiple page image documents that include a page that is not an image
Empty binder documents
Document Name
If the maximum length of path is exceeded, the end of the document name is deleted.
If there is a duplicate document name, (1) to (9999) is added to the end of the document name.
The initial character of strings restricted in Desktop is replaced with a hyphen (-).
Characters prohibited in Desktop are replaced with a hyphen (-).
If any of the following document names exist in a cabinet, the initial character is replaced with a hyphen (-).
If replacing the initial character with a hyphen (-) generates another prohibited string, the last character in the document name is replaced with an exclamation mark (!).
If a document with any of the following extensions is in a cabinet, the extension is left blank when exporting the document.
*.iwu, *.iwr, *.iwn, *.iwx, *.grb, *.tmp, *.~lock
"Created" and "Accessed" of the document change to the date and time the folder was exported.
"Modified" of an exported document stays the same as in the original document.
Security Restrictions
Information such as password locks and encryption is not included in the exported folders/documents. If necessary, specify security settings in the folder to export to.
User Index Restrictions
Only the selected value is exported for User Index choices.
0:00:00 on the date of registration is set for "Date" type user indexes in Document Manager.
Dates and times are exported in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm" after being converted to UTC using the time zone of the computer that executed Data Converter Exporter. Daylight saving time is not applied.
The range of dates supported by Document Manager and Desktop differ as follows.
Document Manager
1753/01/01 to 9999/12/31
1900/01/01 to 8900/12/31
If the properties of an exported document contain a date that is outside the range supported by Desktop, the following operations occur when a document is copied from a DM Data Library to another library.
When copied to My Tray: An error occurs when copying.
When copied to somewhere other than My Tray: The properties are deleted when copying.
User Index Name Restrictions
The User Index name is exported as indicated below, according to the User Index Group it belongs to.
User Index that belongs to a Default group (User Index Group that can be set when creating a cabinet)
In the following cases, it is converted to "Default/<User Index name>".
When the User Index name equals one of the following strings:
System Index name including an alias
"Tag" property name
"Author" property name
"Comment" property name
When the User Index name starts with the following string:
*In other cases, the original User Index name is exported as is.
User Index that belongs to a User Index Group other than a Default group
Replaced with "<User Index Group name>/<User Index name>"