Registering DM Data Libraries

Exported data can be registered to Desktop as a DM Data Library.
Even if you copy only the DM Data Library file for registration (dtConverter.iwr), the data is not registered to Desktop.
The access privilege settings performed in Document Manager are not migrated when exporting and are canceled. Therefore, care must be taken when the exported data is copied to a location shared with other users.
To set access privileges for exported data, use the functions of Windows.
Operations are not guaranteed for folders/documents in exported data on Explorer.
Operations are not guaranteed in Desktop, if a folder in exported data, or an upper or lower directory of that folder is registered as another library.
For information on restrictions for using Desktop, see the following.
Copy the entire folder for the exported data to a shared folder on the network or the computer in which Desktop is installed, as necessary.
Copy exported data for each folder stored directly under the folder to export to specified in Data Converter Exporter.
The operations are not guaranteed if you copy to a folder that is already registered as a library.
Copy to a destination with under 220 characters displayed in the address bar, excluding "file:///" or "file:".
If you are using data copied to a shared folder on a network, full text searches cannot be performed when searching.
If another user is previewing a PDF document or IWE document, the document and the folder containing the document cannot be deleted.
Open the folder to register as a DM Data Library in Explorer from the computer in which Desktop is installed.
Double-click [dtConverter.iwr].
Browser starts with the DM Data Library added.