Going Green and Saving Money

There are lots of ways to cut back on paper, toner, power, and expenses.
2-Sided Printing
Print Multiple Pages on a Single Sheet
You can use the 2-sided printing function to print data from your computer. Because you'll only be using half the paper you would otherwise, you can cut your paper costs in half. To save even more, combine 2-sided printing with N on 1 printing of multiple pages on one sheet of paper. You can print up to 32 pages on a single sheet, which is both economical and environmentally friendly.
When there are many pages in a document, the printout can be inconveniently bulky - hard to to carry around and store, and also hard to read. But there is a solution. Print multiple pages onto one sheet! This allows you to save paper and make your documents slimmer and easier to handle. It is even more effective when combined with 2-sided printing.
Sleep Mode
You can save power by setting the machine to enter sleep mode automatically whenever it has not been used for a while. You don't need to turn OFF the power each time, but you can still have the machine minimize its power consumption. This convenient function works in the background to save power and money every day.
