A name given for identifying a specific wireless LAN. Some other terms used for SSID include "access point name" and "network name."
Network Key
A keyword or password used for encrypting data or authenticating a network. Some other terms used for network key include "encryption key," "WEP key," "WPA/WPA2 passphrase," and "preshared key (PSK)."
Wireless Security Protocols (Authentication/Encryption)
When manually setting up a wireless connection by specifying detailed settings, you need to specify security settings. Check the following information:
Security types (WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK)
Authentication method (Open System/Shared Key)
Encryption method (TKIP/AES-CCMP)
If no access point is displayed on the screen after startup of the "Canon MF/LBP Wireless Setup Assistant," check if the setup is completed both on the computer and the wireless LAN router.