Setting a Remote UI PIN

You can set a PIN for access to the Remote UI. All users use a common PIN.
When Department ID Management is enabled, setting here is not required. Setting the Department ID Management
Press  ().
Use / to select <Network>, and press .
When a message appears, press .
Select <Remote UI Settings> <RUI Access Sec. Set.>.
Select <On>, and press .
Set a PIN.
Enter a number for the PIN and press .
As <Confirm PIN> is displayed for confirmation, enter again the same PIN digits.
You cannot register a PIN that consists only of zeros, such as "00" or "0000000."
Be sure to remember the PIN that you have set. If you have forgotten your PIN, use the procedure above to set a new PIN.
If Remote UI settings are initialized
The Remote UI Access PIN is also initialized. After an initialization, reset the PIN. Initializing Menu