Working with Other Devices

Documents scanned from your machine can be saved in the Advanced Box of other Canon multifunction printers*, or files saved in the Advanced Box of other printers can be printed and deleted from your machine. The other printers are permitted to perform the same operations as well, which allows for each device to easily work together sharing data, performing remote operations, and expanding storage space without a computer at hand. You can also access a Windows server from your machine to perform file operations such as printing.
* Only for Canon multifunction printers supporting Advanced Box
To access other devices, some settings need to be specified beforehand. Connecting to the Other Devices
To prevent unauthorized operations from being performed, the Advanced Box that is open to a network requires a user authentication. The machine being accessed also requires a user authentication. When the login screen is displayed when accessing the Advanced Box of the other machine, enter the user name and password used to log in to that machine. When your operations are complete, be sure to log out.