Going Green and Saving Money

There are lots of ways to cut back on paper, toner, power, and expenses.
2-Sided Printing
Print Multiple Pages on a Single Sheet
You can use 2-sided printing for copies, print jobs sent from your computer, and even incoming faxes. Because you'll only be using half the paper you would otherwise, you can cut your paper costs in half. To save even more, combine 2-sided printing with N on 1 printing of multiple pages on one sheet of paper. You can print up to 32 pages on a single sheet, which is both economical and environmentally friendly.
To really start saving paper, shrink multiple pages onto one side of a sheet - 2 or 4 pages for copies, and up to 16 pages for print jobs sent from your computer. This is even more effective when used together with 2-sided printing.
Sleep Mode
Paperless Faxing
For saving energy and money, a sleep mode that powers down a machine when nobody is using it has become an essential feature. This machine will enter sleep mode automatically, and can also be put to sleep whenever you want. Press  once to put the machine to sleep. Press it again to instantly wake the machine back into action.
Assume you need paper to fax? Those old paper printouts you always make are a thing of the past. Send documents by fax just as they are, created on your computer. It's paperless, so it's fast. And, received documents are first stored in memory, allowing you to print out only those needed and eliminating worry about paper getting used on direct mailings, etc.
Canon strives to be environmentally and energy conscious in all aspects of its operations. Click here to learn about the ways in which Canon is helping to protect the environment.