Printing Using the Driver UI

When editing default settings and performing printing using the driver UI, use the following command.
For details about print settings from the driver UI, refer to "Print Settings from the Driver UI".
Specifying default settings: $ cngplp2l
This option enables you to set the various default printing attributes. They are effective until updated or reset.
Because this option executes only default print attribute settings, it uses only the [Save Settings] and [Cancel] buttons on the UI.
Printing Using the UI Settings: $ cngplp2l -p [File Name]
This option enables you to print a target file, specifying the various print settings.
When you finish specifying the settings by clicking the [Print] button, those settings are available only for the current print job.
When you finish specifying the settings by clicking the [Print and Save Settings] button, the file is printed with those settings, and they are saved as the default printing attributes.
When you finish specifying the settings by clicking the [Cancel] button, the settings are not updated.