Selecting the Type of Original for Copying

You can select the optimal image quality for the copy depending on the type of original such as originals with only characters or magazines with photographs.
Place the original. Placing Originals
Press <Copy>. <Home> Screen
Press <Options> on the Copy Basic Features screen. Copy Basic Features Screen
Press <Original Type>.
Select the type of original.
For information on types of original, see the help screen displayed when you press at the top right of the screen.
To adjust the text/photo processing priority level, press <Adjust Level> select <Text Priority> or <Photo Priority>.
For thin black-and-white originals such as newspapers, it is recommended that you specify <Options>  <Density>  <Background Density>  <Auto>. Basic Copy Operations
If the <BleedReduce> setting appears
Setting this to On reduces the amount of bleed-through from the back of the sheet being copied or from the next page during copying.
If you set this to On, the settings in <Options>  <Density>  <Background Density>  <BleedReduce> automatically change to On.
Press <OK>  <Close>.
If you select <Photo Printout> and copy, highlights may be blown out (areas with stronger brightness may become bright white).
In this case, adjust the background density so that blow out does not occur.
Press <Options>  <Density>  <Adjust> for <Background Density>  <+>.
Press  (Start).
Copying starts.