Error Code List

This section describes some of the error codes displayed while using the Inspection Tool.

Cannot continue processing because an error occurred.

Report display: Yes
The paper size configured in the print job settings did not match the paper size that was actually being printed.
Makes sure the paper size configured in the print job settings matches the paper size that is actually being printed.
There was dirt on the reader component of the Inspection Unit.
Exit the application and then clean the reader component.
People who have received an explanation of the cleaning from your local authorized Canon dealer should perform the cleaning referring to the procedure guide provided at the time of the explanation.
If this error occurs even after cleaning, there is a possibility that a problem has occurred in the Inspection Unit. Contact your local authorized Canon dealer.

Cannot continue processing because an error occurred.

Report display: Yes
There was dirt on the reader component of the Inspection Unit.
Exit the application and then clean the reader component.
People who have received an explanation of the cleaning from your local authorized Canon dealer should perform the cleaning referring to the procedure guide provided at the time of the explanation.
If this error occurs even after cleaning, there is a possibility that a problem has occurred in the Inspection Unit. Contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
The paper size configured in the print job settings did not match the paper size that was actually being printed.
Makes sure the paper size configured in the print job settings matches the paper size that is actually being printed.

Cannot continue processing because an error occurred.

Report display: No
There was dirt on the reader component of the Inspection Unit.
Exit the application and then clean the reader component.
People who have received an explanation of the cleaning from your local authorized Canon dealer should perform the cleaning referring to the procedure guide provided at the time of the explanation.
If this error occurs even after cleaning, there is a possibility that a problem has occurred in the Inspection Unit. Contact your local authorized Canon dealer.

More than 30 characters were detected in the selected area.
Change the position or size of the area, or add the area again.

Report display: Yes
31 characters or more were printed in the inspection area.
Even though there were 30 or less characters, the characters could not be read because spots or other defects were recognized as characters resulting in 31 or more characters.
Configure the inspection area so as to have 30 or less characters.
In order to avoid errors, use some leeway when setting the number of characters.


Report display: Yes
Objects other than characters such as rectangles were found in the inspection area.
Configure the inspection area so as to contain only characters.


Report display: Yes
A timeout error has occurred while reading characters due to one of the following reasons.
The font size is too large.
The spacing between characters or the top, bottom, left, and right margins are too large.
The inspection area font (characters, font type, size, etc.) differs from the registered font.
Although the font size is larger than 8 pt, a font of 8 pt or smaller is registered.
A timeout error has occurred while reading barcode due to one of the following reason.
The amount of data is too large.
The top, bottom, left, and right margins are too small or too large.
The narrow bar width or cell size is too small or too large.
The bars or cells are not black, or the background color is not white.
The barcode type setting and angle setting do not match with the actual barcode.
There are too many areas configured.
Register a font that has the same type and size as the font used in the inspection area. Furthermore, set the character size in the inspection area to 8 pt to 24 pt, and keep the spacing between characters and the margin sizes within the specification range.
Configure the inspection area so as to contain the entire barcode.
Correctly specify the barcode used in the inspection area.
Match the margins, size, color, background color, etc. to the barcode specifications.