Configuring the Method for Upgrading

This software can be upgraded either manually or automatically.
When automatic upgrading is set, this software periodically checks for a new version and automatically upgrades when a new version is found.
New versions are checked for every day between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM. The time follows that set in the computer where this software is operating. Automatic upgrades cannot be performed if the Internet is not connected at this time of the day.
Select the [System] menu > [Agent Information].
Select the method for upgrading.
To upgrade automatically, enable [Auto Update].
Click [Update Now] to check for a new version and perform an upgrade at a time of your choice.
If any tasks are executing when the upgrade process starts, they are paused. The paused tasks are resumed after the upgrade is complete.
If the usage agreement of the new version is newer than the current version, automatic upgrading is stopped because user approval is required.
After upgrading, the devices for monitoring will be temporarily removed from the devices managed by this software. When communication with the remote monitoring server resumes, they will be automatically returned to the devices for monitoring.
To upgrade manually, disable [Auto Update].
When this setting is disabled, this software does not check for new versions. Upgrades must be performed manually. For details on the procedure, see the following.