Configuring the Preferences

This section describes the method for configuring the preferences of this software.
Log in to this software as the system manager.
Select the [System] menu > [Preferences].
Configure the required settings on the [Preferences] page.
You can switch the display using the drop-down list on the top of the list on the [Preferences] page.
[E-Mail Settings]
Enter the source address in [Sender E-Mail Address].
Enter the SMTP server address in [SMTP Server Address].
Enter the port number used for communicating with the SMTP server in [Port Number].
To use SSL/TLS when communicating with the SMTP server, select [Use TLS].
To use user authentication when communicating with the SMTP server, select [Use user authentication], and enter the authentication information in [User Name] and [Password].
Click [Save].
To send a test e-mail, click [Send Test E-Mail].
A test e-mail is sent to the e-mail address of the user operating the screen.
[LDAP Server Settings]
Configure the following settings here.
Settings for logging in to this software with Integrated Windows Authentication
Settings for logging in to this software with LDAP authentication
For information on the setting method, see the following.
[Account Policy]
In [Minimum number of characters for password], enter the minimum number of characters for the password.
Select the password policy to apply.
In [Account Lockout Policy Settings], configure the account lockout settings.
[Lockout Threshold]
Enter the number of times that a user must fail logging in before they are locked out.
[Lockout Period (in Minutes)]
Enter the time until the lockout expires.
Click [Save].
In order to apply the policy set here to passwords that are already registered, it is necessary to manually set the passwords again.
To manually unlock a user that is locked out, click [Unlock] on the following page as a user with administrator privileges.
[System] menu > [Users] > [User Details] page of the account that is locked out
[Automatic Logout]
Select [Automatically log the user out after a period of inactivity].
In [Inactivity Period (in Minutes)], enter the time until the user is automatically logged out.
Click [Save].
Users logged in with Integrated Windows Authentication are not automatically logged out.
[Webhook Settings]
External systems can be notified of event details when events occur in this software. Configure the following settings to use this function.
Webhook via a proxy is not supported.
Click [Add].
The [Webhook Settings] page is displayed.
Enter a name indicating the content to send notification for in [Name].
Enter the destination URL for the external system in [URL].
Enter the value for the secret token that indicates that this software was the source of transmission in [Token], as required.
The value entered here is stored in the "X-Mc-Token" HTTP header for this software and sent.
Select the events to send notification for.
Click [Add].
[Device Group Settings]
If you selected [Use tree view] in [Display Settings], select the character to use for separating levels in [Delimiter Character].
If you selected [Use list view] in [Display Settings], you can create multiple levels at the same time in the [Devices] menu > [Device Groups]. However, when a hierarchy is created with this method, devices can only be assigned to the last level. Devices cannot be assigned to higher levels.
When ":" is set in [Delimiter Character] for levels, you can use the following format to create three levels even without creating the 1st level and 2nd level in advance.
<1st level name>:<2nd level name>:<3rd level name>
When [Display Settings] is switched to [Use tree view] after creating levels via this method, the levels are separated at the separator character and displayed in the tree view.
Click [Save].
[Data Retention Period]
Specify the number of days in [Retain Task History (in Days)].
Specify the number of days in [Retain User Operation Log (in Days)].
Click [Apply].
[Online Manual Settings]
Select the target region for the manual displayed when [Online Manual] is selected in the [Help] menu.