Setting the Device Communication Settings

This section describes the communication settings used by this software to communicate with devices.
Select the [Devices] menu > [Device Communication Settings].
Configure the required settings on the [Device Communication Settings] page.
[Authentication Information] tab
Register the authentication information required for this software to communicate with devices. Multiple sets of authentication information can be registered for each authentication method.
Make sure to register SNMPv1 or SNMPv3 authentication information. Register other authentication information as required. The required authentication information differs according to the task. For details, see the descriptions of each function.
If [Use the Canon protocol] was selected on the [UDP Communication Settings] tab, register the authentication information set in the device, as indicated below.
[User Authentication]
[System Manager ID]
[Domain Authentication]
For devices that perform authentication with a password only, register the authentication information in [Password Authentication].
[Authentication Method]
Select the authentication method and access rights, and click [Add].
On the [Authentication Information Details] page, click [Add], enter the authentication information, and click [Save].
Select the target authentication method from the list to check, edit, and add authentication information.
Associate authentication information with the Agent in [Target Agents] on the [Authentication Information Details] page. The Agent uses the associated authentication information to communicate with devices.
In [Description] on the [Authentication Information Details] page, enter comments on the authentication information.
Enter the SNMPv1 community name set in the device.
If the device is set to use a dedicated community, select [Use a dedicated community].
Enter the SNMPv3 user name, authentication password, encryption password, and context name set in the device.
[User Authentication]
Select this when the authentication method of the login service (User Authentication and SSO-H) set in the device is local device authentication. Also select this when not using a domain name for uniFLOW Online authentication.
Enter the user name and password.
[System Manager ID]
Enter the system manager ID and system PIN set in the device.
[Password Authentication]
For devices that perform authentication with a password only, enter the administrator password (Remote UI administrator password).
[Domain Authentication]
Select this when the authentication method of the login service set in the device is domain authentication. (Example: User Authentication, SSO-H, LDAP authentication, and uniFLOW Online authentication, etc.)
Enter the domain name, user name, and password.
In [Domain Name], enter the same string as the name registered in the device. The name is case-sensitive.
[Service Management Service]
Enter the password for logging into the Service Management Service of the device.
Authentication information list
Displays the registered authentication method and access rights, the Agent associated with the authentication information, and a description of the authentication information.
To edit the authentication information, click the target authentication method.
To delete it, click the [] next to the target authentication information.
[Communication Time Settings] tab
Sets the time for retrieving the printer status and counters from devices.
Tasks are executed regardless of the time specified here.
Information is retrieved at the time specified here at the interval set in the built-in task. For details on setting the interval, see the following.
[Communication Times (Standard)]
Sets the time for retrieving the information.
To specify multiple times, click [Add].
To specify a period that stretches across two days, set a period with 24:00 as the end time and a period with 0:00 as the start time.
[Communication Times (Exceptions)]
Enables you to set a time that differs from the standard settings for each day of the week. The settings in [Communication Times (Exceptions)] take priority over those in [Communication Times (Standard)].
[UDP Communication Settings] tab
[Timeout (Seconds)]
Specify the timeout time and retry count when there is no response from a device during UDP communication.
For details on communication using UDP, see the following.
Select this when using the Canon protocol.
This software cannot retrieve the following information unless this protocol is used.
Some firmware information
Some counter information
Service call error codes
Printers with a PS print server attached cannot be restarted unless this protocol is used.
[Data Retention Period] tab
[Retain Status Information (in Days)]
Set the retention period of the status information retrieved from the device.
The information within the period set here is displayed on the following page.
The [Detailed Status] page (The page displayed from [Devices] menu > [Device List])
The [Reports] menu > [Status Info]
[Retain Counter Information (in Days)]
Set the retention period of the counter total results retrieved from the device.
The information within the period set here is displayed on the following page.
[Reports] menu > [Counters]
When a longer period is set, the size of the data saved to the database will be larger. Set a period according to the operation environment of this software.