Žigovi i autorska prava


Adobe, Acrobat i Reader registrirani su žigovi tvrtke Adobe Systems Incorporated u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i/ili drugim državama.
Apple, Bonjour, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, macOS, OS X i Safari žigovi su tvrtke Apple Inc. AirPrint i logotip AirPrint žigovi su tvrtke Apple Inc.
iOS je žig ili registrirani žig tvrtke Cisco u SAD-u i u drugim državama i koristi se pod licencom.
Mopria®, logotip Mopria® i logotip Mopria® Alliance registrirani su žigovi i uslužni znakovi tvrtke Mopria Alliance, Inc. u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i u drugim državama. Neovlaštena je upotreba strogo zabranjena.
Google Chrome, Chrome OS, Chromebook i Android žigovi su tvrtke Google LLC.
This product contains the Universal Font Scaling Technology or UFST® under license from Monotype Imaging, Inc.
UFST® is a trademark of Monotype Imaging, Inc. registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
UFST: Copyright © 1989 - 1996, 1997, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2014 all rights reserved, by Monotype Imaging Inc.
Logotip PDF zaštitni je znak ili registrirani zaštitni znak tvrtke Adobe Systems Incorporated registriran u SAD-u i/ili drugim državama.
Copyright © 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Protected by U.S. Patents 6,185,684; 6,205,549; 7,213,269; 7,272,628; 7,278,168; Patents pending in the U.S. and other countries.
All instances of the name PostScript in the text are references to the PostScript language as defined by Adobe Systems Incorporated unless otherwise stated. The name PostScript also is used as a product trademark for Adobe Systems' implementation of the PostScript language interpreter.
Except as otherwise stated, any reference to a "PostScript printing device," "PostScript display device," or similar item refers to a printing device, display device or item (respectively) that contains PostScript technology created or licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated and not to devices or items that purport to be merely compatible with the PostScript language.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe LiveCycle® Policy Server, PostScript, the PostScript Logo, and PostScript 3 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Svi nazivi robnih marki i nazivi proizvoda koji se pojavljuju u ovom dokumentu registrirani su žigovi ili žigovi svojih odgovarajućih vlasnika.
Microsoft, Excel, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Edge, Windows, Windows Mobile i Windows Server zaštitni su znakovi Microsoftove grupacije tvrtki.

Autorska prava

Neovlašteno reproduciranje sadržaja ovog dokumenta, u cijelosti ili djelomično, zabranjeno je.