Upgrading This Software

This section describes the procedure for upgrading this software.
When upgrading this software from an old version to a new version, upload the upgrade file to this software, rather than executing the installer.
If you upgrade the Manager of this software, the Agent is also automatically upgraded.
Do not execute the installer or perform operations on this software from the [Apps & Features] screen of Windows from when the Manager starts upgrading to when the Agent upgrade is complete.
When an older version of this software is upgraded, the version displayed in [Apps & Features] in Windows remains the version that was first installed. The installed version can be checked on the following page of this software.
[System] menu > [System Configuration]

Preparing to Upgrade

Log in to this software as the system manager.
Confirm that no tasks are executing or scheduled to start executing soon.
On the following page, confirm that no tasks are executing.
[Tasks] menu > [History] (with [All Tasks] selected)
On the following page, confirm that no tasks will start while this software is upgrading.
[Tasks] menu > [Task List]
An error may occur if this software is upgraded while a task is executing.

Upgrading This Software

Log in to this software as the system manager.
Select the [System] menu > [System Configuration].
When upgrading to this version from version 4.0.x, select the [System] menu > [Plug-Ins].
In [System Update File], select the file for upgrading this software.
When upgrading to this version from version 4.0.x, select the upgrade file for this software in [File].
File name: emc-upgrade-package_<version>.zip
Select the zip file itself, rather than a file inside the zip file.
The upgrade file is located in the same folder as the 'manager_installer.msi' installer for this software.
<version> in the file name of the zip file refers to the version that this software will be upgraded to.
Click [Add].
When the file has been added, click [Start Installation].
Confirm the displayed message, and click [Yes].
If the [License Agreement] screen is displayed, check the displayed information and click [I Agree].
When installation is complete, the login screen is displayed.
Even if a message such as the following is displayed, no operations are required. The login screen will be displayed shortly.
No network connection.
A server error occurred.
If the login screen is not displayed after waiting a while, refresh (reload) the page displayed in the Web browser, regardless of whether a message is displayed.
Confirm that the upgrade is complete.
Wait five minutes after the login screen is displayed before performing this operation.
If you log in immediately, the screen may not be displayed correctly due to the cache stored in the Web browser. In in this case, log out, then log in again after waiting a while.
Enter the user name and password on the login screen, and click [Log In].
Confirm the version of the Manager in the [System Configuration] list.
Confirm the version of the Agent in the [System] menu > [Agents].
For details, see the following.
The Agent upgrade is executed after the Manager is upgraded. Therefore, it may take time until the Agent upgrade is complete.